Friday, December 16, 2005

Open Talk

Naresh asked me to give a talk on latest open source works. May in the next week it will be arranged. All tech peoples will be there, (now I have to talk in front of my managers, thats good). In this talk I have to give them a overview on the latest trends.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

In the office....

Currently in the office. Looking materials on AJAX. No books in library. Still Ranga is not back. Need laptop urgently (hope he will provide me that).

The Ulsoor CD shop will change their configuration. They are going for some better one.
Last day, I asked Murali for leave in Jan, he agreed. Need to talk with different schools in Durgapur. Looking for a better response from the first year juniors from the college. Currently their exam is going on.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Two great Questions??

Today, I installed Linux in a few of office Internet kiosk pcs. People started using it.
There I got two big questions...

1. Can you also browse in Linux?
The man, who asked me this is a senior person.

Now, another guy was using the firefox for quite a while in the 2nd floor Internet kiosk. When, he stood up, I sat on his chair and he suddenly looked back and asked me "Which operating system that was??"...
I replied "Linux!!"
What u want to say about that??

Sunday, December 11, 2005

KDE.IN started

With the gr8 enthu by Ananth, Till, Taj , Pradeepto & others KDE.IN started. Its a gr8 news for us. In the next KDE hope there will be an Indian team made software.
The letter from TAJ::

Hi folks,

I am proud to announce the formal launch of the KDE India project
and website - more news of the launch on the Dot
at Thanks to the hard work of Ananth,
Pradeepto and Till we are now full members of the KDE family.

On a personal level I'm really thrilled that this has happened, and
immensely grateful to you, our founding members. It was lovely to meet you
all at FOSS.IN and hope that each of us treats this group as their own.

Regards, thanks and welcome to!


Friday, December 09, 2005

HCL Capital Market Services (My Company)........... the beginning

I work in HCL Capital Market Services, work in a dept, where I have a chance to do some R&D type of works(only if they are in FOSS), though not much coding (means not so fun). But still really enjoying my job. I am also looking the various entry points for FOSS in our organization.

We have two internet kiosks in the office, having only windows. But I convinced my people to put doors in some of them & give a try. Someone in the office was telling that still LINUX is tough to handle as a Desktop OS. I asked him when did he last time see a LINUX BOX!!!!!!
Answer: "two years ago".. after that he only saw terminal clients, not the GUI.

We can clearly understand that we need more coverage to the end users..............................

Monday I will help them in HCl CMS to put the DOORS :)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Office Work & simple life

Everything is fine. Ayesha is checking the TikiWiki installation, she want some changes in look. Same is the condition of DSpace (YAP here we call it). Don't know when I will put it on the server. I already asked Ranga if he can provide me a laptop. He said to remind him again on Monday.

Python looks really cool. A beautiful language, tremendous power within. Today most of the time, I read from the PDF files, and wrote some cool scripts. Don't think it will take much time to be in form in it.

Talked about Saheli with Murli today. He told it will be done, (that means there is a chance of SAHELI IN BLORE :) )

Still in a mood of FOSS.IN, not out of it yet. Checked the photos from the site.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

FOSS.IN 2005

My whole student life, I waited to be the part of such a event like FOSS.IN 2005. Now the dream come true.. and next level is ready to reach.
For the last couple of months, waiting for this event, and now waiting for the next year's :)

Got a chance to inaugurate the event.. and get into it .
In the opening ceremony, Atul's speech was wonderful, it seems that Rabindranath Tagore wrote those lines for the FOSS community from the beginning. As Alan Cox told in his last slide(which is the first talk of the event) that it is the beginning for some people who start their journey in FOSS.

Then came Danese Cooper.I heard about her, saw the pictures, just like other FOSS GOD & GODDESSES. Her speech was extremely energetic & full of motivation. People got inner urge to reach some destination, but when you listen a speech like that, your engine will fire like a rocket. She told to throw ourselves in front of rail, which I do always. May be it seems very painful (some time it is), but the result will be the best.

Then started to look around all the ground. This is first time I met Indranil Dasgupta. The names I watched in different pages, lists, got a chance to meet those people face to face. What a experience!!!
I met Till in the same morning, he is such a beautiful person
In the night, went out with Indranil da, took some print outs & came back home after midnight.

Next day, started with Jonathan Corbet's talk "A Linux Kernel Roadmap". It gave a clear idea what is going on there.

Then quickly moved into ballroom hall. The rest of the morning session, I was there. As Danese started asking about different problems & answers about "Women in FOSS", people gave some real input.

(By the way, she took great note of those in her laptop & in paper at the time of Sulamita's talk)
Sulamita gave her first talk in English. Another good talk. Wish to send these slides to our junis in dgplug. We have more active girls in our group than boys. That session surely going to help us to face the real world problems. Talked with Zaheda, and she said that she will try to help us in Durgapur to spread FOSS in schools.

In the next half of the day, I participated in Python BOF. I want to write program for my nokia 7710 myself. Sirtaj ji told me python may be a better way to do that. I want to thank Mr. Swaroop C H for his wonderful book on Python. (just received a sms from Praveen that foss education meet is on saturday in PESIT)

Third day started with Andrew Cowie's talk.

The next was Till's KOLAB. It can be a very good replacement in our company where we use the M company's system (so sad!!!). As Danese told, I already stared to put the replacement funda to manager's brain(though it is a corporate decision).
After finishing both of his talk on KOLAB & Kontact, Till spent a lot of time behind me. I was pinging him with lots of questions , and he gave the answers coolly. He is such a nice person. I joined the Kolab team, will hack the web client. Till asked Atul, to arrange a kolab server for KDE.IN in which I can do my work too.

Danese took yet another breaking workshop on "How to gave a Foss presentation". Here got a chance to learn about different common mistakes we made.

Here I gave a lighting talk on "How to ask 4 days leave from your manager for FOSS". People really laughed at that time. After finishing, Danese's review gave some more charge in my battery.

Last day was again full of excitement. I gave my talk and got very useful feedbacks. Attended Kolab BOF (and missed KDE.IN BOF later) .
Later in the night, did a small joke with
Alan, Joy & Till asked me to go to Alan and ask him to take my picture. I did that!!!
And Alan took a nice picture of mine.
Some more pics..

Till & Zaheda

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Back again

Back in writing again...
Just wake up. Still my mail in blug list not approved.. waiting for that.