Looking for a new job
Started looking for a new job. My first choice is some place where I can work in & on Free softwares.
Currently having 1year+ experience in HCL (my first job).
You can check my resume here.
Hi, here u can find my dreams, thoughts and daily experience.
Started looking for a new job. My first choice is some place where I can work in & on Free softwares.
After getting two computers as donation, we are able to install Fedora at Bijra High School. Previously the single box was running Debian. If you see the enthusiasm among the students about computer, you will surely fill same :)
The war started between me & Ria. It was my worst fear and it came true today. We just started arguing over gcc & turboc. She was telling that turboc is better 'coz in the college turboc is the only choice. She fixed her mind on this.
After 3 months work, suddenly the Koha Server is missing. The office seems like a zoo.. :)
Our lug site is hacked. www.dgplug.org by some crackers_child group.
That's sure.
use QT :)